Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 September 2013

hmm... telling...

So I went back to school on the 3rd September and haven't blogged since the 5th - very telling of how busy I've been. And I haven't got time to blog now because I have Maths books to mark. So achievements - yes many - time to record them - 0.
Not sure what I can do about this except put some time aside at the weekend. Family life is also very busy so really not sure that's the answer. Just goes to show how hard it is to be managing a condition and working full time with a family also...

Monday, 12 August 2013

A few more days

I feel a lot better than I did on 8th August. Who am I to question pain, life, Earth, The Universe? It really isn't helpful to let negative thoughts in - if thoughts are like buses then I need to choose the ones I engage with and let the others pass by. It's hard to do this and it needs effort, which when you're suffering in pain is hard. I need to know what I need to do when I realise the blanket of negative buses is descending.
So, I've ironed 5 shirts, taken the dog for 2x 20 minute walks, attended a hospital appointment, visited Mum & Dad, made 2 dates for tea & chat, completed more Maths work, had a new boiler fitted, applied for a loan, considered my Sky package, cleaned a window, filed my course notes, read a whole book 400 pages, made a timetable of red, amber and green activities for September, checked emails every day, and mindful stretching exercises every day.

I need to record achievements more frequently otherwise it's too much effort to try to remember what I've done.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

One of those days

Yesterday was one of those days. I try not to call them good days and bad days because that implies positivity and negativity. So yesterday, I did my mindful stretching exercises as soon as I was up and dressed. I then drove to the Medical Centre. I want to go to school in the Summer holiday to move classroom and set up my new classroom. My employer says they need something in writing from the doctor saying I'm fit to do this even though I intend to sit on a chair and direct my helpers! The receptionist said I probably need a fit for work certificate and I need to see the GP. The first appointment she could offer me is for Monday 22nd July at 5pm. This means I will already have lost a day and school is only open until Friday 26th July. But it is open again Tuesday 27th August so I suppose I could go in then if I run out of time at the beginning. The thing is, I want to limit the time I spend there otherwise I will get too tired which sometimes means more pain.

I'll 'phone the Medical Centre and see if I can pick up a cancellation any earlier than the 22nd. I've an exciting opportunity to work on the new Maths Curriculum on Friday 26th July so I won't be available that day. So after I'd finished speaking to the receptionist I picked up my prescription from the chemist. I dropped everything on the floor in the chemist and I wasn't flustered or embarrassed so that is another achievement for me. I calmly picked up everything and slowly walked back to the car.

When I got home I did  a mindful full body scan and some mindful breathing. I relaxed in the chair in the sunshine. I spent most of the day resting or mindfully exercising and breathing. In the evening I accompanied my son to a presentation event where he was awarded Players' Player which we are both very proud of. It means his peers voted for him which is a great compliment and they said some really nice things about him and why they had voted for him. I drove there and back and then was really pleased to be in bed asleep.

I'm awake early but feel ok. Today I am travelling to Hastings with my sister on the trains. We are spending some quality time together. I'm sure we will talk and not stop talking for the whole weekend! And it should be sunny weather too - bonus! I won't write anymore this weekend because we are travelling very light and I'm not taking any means to blog. I might write some things on paper so I'll transfer that on Monday. I am taking my Springboard book so that we can compare notes and talk about some of the ideas and activities. So I'll be back on Monday with all the news from the weekend...
PS I've started writing an information sheet aimed at children to explain my syndrome, how it affects me and how they can help. I'll be working on that at the weekend too with the input from my sister. We will also compile a list of worse case scenarios for work ready for my meeting with my Head regarding a risk assessment of me at work.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Getting the Hang of Blogging

Aha! I'm getting the hang of this blogging thing a bit. I've been looking at other blogs, trying to pick up hints and stuff. So my first achievement today is creating tabs. I want my blog to look interesting. So I'm going to put pictures on and jazz it up a bit.

I really need to finish those reports first so I can concentrate some time to my blog. I'm going to set myself a deadline of tomorrow evening to get them done. I'm visiting my Dad today but I still think it's a manageable deadline - I'm pretty close.